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  Greek History and Epigraphy: Essays in honour of P.J. Rhodes
edited by Lynette Mitchell & Lene Rubinstein
ISBN-13: 978-1-905125-23-4 ISBN-10: 1-905125-23-2, hardback, 350pp, 2009,

This important volume collects essays on topics in Greek history and epigraphy by an international cast of highly respected historians and epigraphers. Contributions include new and authoritative papers on Athenian politics and political institutions, the language and significance of honorific decrees, the role of inscriptions in the Athenian democratic state and elsewhere, as well as analyses of the methods for interpreting them. Together this collection represents an appropriate celebration of the work of the distinguished historian Professor Peter Rhodes.

The Editors Lynette Mitchell is Senior Lecturer in Classics & Ancient History at the University of Exeter, UK. Lene Rubenstein is Professor of Ancient History at Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.


Introduction - Lynette Mitchell and Lene Rubinstein
The rules of the game: three studies in friendship, equality and politics - Lynette Mitchell
City elites and the administration of the Attalid kingdom after the peace of Apameia evidence, research and methodological thoughts - Boris Dreyer
Andragathia and aręte - David Whitehead
The crowning of Amphiaraos - Adele C. Scafuro
Nothing to do with democracy: ‘Formulae of Disclosure’ and the Athenian epigraphic habit - James Sickinger
The politics of an epigraphic habit: the case of Thasos - Robin Osborne
Ateleia grants and their enforcement in the Classical and early Hellenistic periods - Lene Rubinstein
A Note on Agyrrhios' Grain-Tax Law of 374/3 - Mogens Herman Hansen
Attic public inscriptions of the fifth-century BC in Ionic script - A.P. Matthaiou
The Gadatas letter - Christopher Tuplin
Unpublished ephebic list in the Benakion museum of Kalamata - Andronike Makres
Athenian ostracism and ostraka: some historical and statistical observations - Valerij Gushchin
Thucydides and the Athenian boule - Council of Five Hundred - Simon Hornblower
IG ii2 236 and Philip’s common peace of 337 - Ian Worthington
Writing Greek history: an agenda for the next generation - J.K. Davies