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New Essays on Plato
edited by Fritz-Gregor Herrmann

ISBN-13: 978-1-905125-10-4 ISBN-10: 1-905125-10-0, hardback. 240pp, 2006,

The editor FRITZ-GREGOR HERRMANN is Senior Lecturer in Classics and Ancient History at the University of Wales Swansea. He is the author of numerous articles and chapters on Plato's language and thought. He is currently co-editing, with Terry Penner and Douglas Cairns, Pursuing the Good. Ethics and Metaphysics in Plato's Republic (Edinburgh University Press, 2007). His monograph Words and Ideas. The Roots of Plato's Philosophy will be published by the Classical Press of Wales in 2007.

New Essays on Plato assembles nine original papers on the language and thought of the Athenian philosopher. The collection encompasses issues from the Apology to the Laws and includes discussions of topics in ethics, political theory, psychology, epistemology, ontology, physics and metaphysics, and ancient literary criticism. The contributions by an international team of scholars represent a spectrum of diverse traditions and approaches, and offer new solutions to a selection of specific problems. Themes include the Happiness and Nature of the Philosopher-Kings, Law and Justice, the Tripartition of the Soul, Appearance and Belief, Conditions of Recognition, Ousia or What Something Is, the Reality of Change and Changelessness, Time and Eternity, and Aristotle on Plato.


Preface - Fritz-Gregor Herrmann
1. Law and justice in Plato - Richard Stalley
2. Beware of imitations: image recognition in Plato - Verity Harte
3. in Plato's Phaedo - Fritz-Gregor Herrmann
4. The tripartition of the soul in Plato's Republic - Stefan Büttner
5. Happiness and the nature of the philosopher-kings - Antony Hatzistavrou
6. Appearance and belief in Theaetetus 151d-187a - Patricia Clarke
7. The argument for the reality of change and changelessness in Plato's Sophist (248e7-249d5) - Vasilis Politis
8. Plato on eternity - Andrew S. Mason
9. An Aristotelian perspective on Plato's dialogues - Stephen Halliwell
Index rerum
Index locorum
Index verborum