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  Pisidian Antioch. The site and its monuments
by Stephen Mitchell and Marc Waelkens
ISBN-13: 978-0-7156-2860-7 ISBN-10: 0-7156-2860-7, hardback, xviii+249 pp., 146 b/w pls., 43 figs., 1998,

The authors: Stephen Mitchell is author of Anatolia. Land, Men and Gods in Asia Minor (2 vols., 1993) and of Cremna in Pisidia. An Ancient City in Peace and in War (CPW/Duckworth 1995). He directed the Pisidian survey between 1982 and 1996. Marc Waelkens is the author of numerous books and articles on the archaeology of Asia Minor and since 1990 has been director of the Belgian excavations at Sagalassus in Pisidia - currently the largest classical excavation project in Turkey.

The city of Pisidian Antioch was founded in the hellenistic period by the Seleucids, in what is now south-west Turkey. Under the emperor Augustus it became the most important Roman colony of the eastern empire. The city flourished until the sixth century AD. It has left dramatic and extensive ruins. This comprehensive and fully-illustrated study, a sequel to Mitchell's Cremna in Pisidia, is based on a new survey of the site. It also includes the results of the most recent Turkish field work as well as detailed information from the important but unpublished 1924 excavation by the University of Michigan.


List of figures
List of plates
 1. Geographical and historical introduction - S. Mitchell
2. The discovery of Antioch: travellers, epigraphers and archaeologists - S. Mitchell
3. The sanctuary of Men Askaenos - S. Mitchell, M. Waelkens
4. The plan and development of the Roman colony: walls, gates, streets and the theatre - M. Waelkens
5. The Augustan imperial sanctuary - M. Waelkens, S. Mitchell
6. The aqueduct, nymphaeum and bath house - J. Burdy, M. Taslialan, M. Waelkens, S. Mitchell
7. Three churches at Antioch - J. Ozturk, S. Mitchell
Appendix 1: Epigraphic and numismatic evidence for buildings - S. Mitchell
Appendix 2: Archival material relating to Pisidian Antioch - M. Byrne, S. Mitchell